404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【アメリカ_アリゾナ州】Architecture in State of Arizona, US

Taliesin West / Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright’s school of architecture is closing after 88 years. After educating more than 1,200 architects since Wright established it in 1932, the School of Architecture at Taliesin (SOAT) will close its doors this summer. The school’s Governing Board called the decision to shutter the institution “gut-wrenching.” In a statement, @soa_taliesin said that it was unable to reach an agreement with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation to keep the school open. Learn more about the influential school—and its unfortunate demise—in the link in bio. - Photo by @apielage #soat #franklloydwright #taliesin #taliesinwest #flw #architecture #modernarchitecture #moderndesign #designnews #organicarchitecture

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建物名 タリアセン・ウエスト Taliesin West
設計者 Architect フランク・ロイド・ライト Frank Lloyd Wright
用途 Type 自邸兼スタジオ Private Residence, Studio
竣工年 Year 1938
地図 Map
URL https://franklloydwright.org/taliesin-west/
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