404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【ポルトガル_アゾレス諸島】Architecture in Azores, Portugal


【Horta オルタ】

Volcano Interpretation Center / Nuno Ribeiro Lopes

Volcano Interpretation Center | Portugal | 2008. . [Nuno Ribeiro Lopes, Arquitectos Lda]. . With the intention of setting up an interpretive centre, the transformation of the lighthouse and its surrounding area should preserve the ruin, recover the landscape of the area, make the resulting image unforgettable and provide an explanation of all the phases involved from the construction of the lighthouse until today. . The visitors’ path to the site was chosen at a more distant venue; looking at the lighthouse and the volcano, which one sees and feels, the visitor is invited to walk, either on spaced flagstones or basalt cobblestones, the last few meters that separates him from the beginning of a trip through time, simultaneously past and future. . The building is subterranean, set on pre-eruption land, and provides a journey through history, subdividing the museological content of an informative, scientific and leisure character into three distinct sections: before, during and after the eruption. The adoption of these principles minimizes the impact that a traditional intervention could imply, thus allowing the visitor to take in the place in stages, from the emotional to the scientific. . . . #nunoribeirolopes #radicalarchitecture #radicalinteriorarchitecture #theradicalproject #architecturalmagazine #architecturalphilosophy #architecturalphotography #archdaily #archillect #architecturallovers #architecturaldigest #moderndesign #modernarchitecture #architecture #architektura #architekt #urbanmapping #urbandesign #contemporarycity #territorial #urbanfabric #urbanlandscape #volcanocenter #architecturejourney

The Radical Project(@the.radical.project)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 Volcano Interpretation Center
設計者 Architect Nuno Ribeiro Lopes
用途 Type ビジターセンター Visitor center
竣工年 Year 2008
地図 Map
URL http://parquesnaturais.azores.gov.pt/pt/faial/oquevisitar/centros-ambientais/centro-de-interpretacao-do-vulcao-dos-capelinhos

Keyword:円形平面 / EU Mies Award