404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

建築巡りが趣味の筆者がおすすめしたい、国内外の建築・街並み・ランドスケープを有名無名問わず集めています。 デザイン・アート好きな方、旅行好きな方の情報収集源として活用いただけると嬉しいです。

建築探査【エストニア】Architecture in Estonia

Tallinn Song Festival Grounds / Alar Kotli


建物名 Tallinn Song Festival Grounds
設計者 Architect アラル・コトゥリ Alar Kotli
用途 Type
竣工年 Year 1960
地図 Map
URL https://lauluvaljak.ee


Jäneda technical school / Valve Pormeister

Jäneda technical school, designed by Valve Pormeister in 1968, and built in 1975 as an addition to the 1915 manor house. Pormeister (1922-2002) was one of the leading architects during 60s-70s, despite having been trained as a landscape designer. But because of that, her buildings always have a special, considered relation with their surroundings. #arhitektuurimuuseum #arhitektuur #architecture #valvepormeister #jäneda #estonia #estonianarchitecture #architectureinestonia #sovietarchitecture #sovietmodernism #sovmod #landscapearchitecture #archidaily #archdaily #archilovers #architexture #architecturephotography #archiphoto #retro #1970sarchitecture #1960sarchitecture #1960s #1970s

@ arhitektuurimuuseumがシェアした投稿 -

建物名 Jäneda technical school
設計者 Architect Valve Pormeister
用途 Type _
竣工年 Year 1974
地図 Map
URL https://www.maainfo.ee
Keyword _