404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【アイルランド】Architecture in Ireland

Church of Christ The King / Barry Byrne

Christ the King, Turners Cross, Cork. One man, whose father worked on the church between 1929-1931, remembered, “This was a swamp and very difficult to handle. My father said the men thought they were digging to hell.” Definite shades of The Spire there. In addition, the church was despised locally and architect, Barry Byrne, never saw it completed. His Chicagoan practice began to suffer. The church began to sink within years of completion. ... Fast forward to the present, the church is loved, local efforts raised enough to have the church underpinned and Barry Byrne’s wife, Annette Cremin, visited the church after her husband’s death. #christtheking #turnerscross #barrybyrne #church #modernist #thespire #williamgolding

The Architectural Pineapple(@thearchitecturalpineapple)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 Church of Christ The King
設計者 Architect Barry Byrne
用途 Type 教会 Church
竣工年 Year 1931
地図 Map
URL https://turnerscross.com
Keyword _


St Aengus’ Church / Liam McCormick

Liam McCormick’s Donegal Churches - No.1 of 7 - St Aengus, Burt Incredibly well sited, a response to the Grianán of Aileach ringfort on the hill above. St Aengus has a plan form based on two circles, the smaller internal circle slightly offset to house the ‘back of house’ areas (sacristy, kitchen, toilets, etc) meaning the main volume of the church reads as being perfectly circular in plan, both inside and outside. The baptismal font benefits from this as internally it reads as part of the circular form while actually sitting within the gap between the circles, allowing it to be subtly toplit - While casting a distinctive silhouette and having an impressive interior, a lot of the finishes and finer details are lacking, and it is clear that the roof has been patch repaired in recent times, implying potential deficiencies - #LiamMcCormick #modernistchurch #staenguschurch #donegal #irisharchitecture #liammccormicksdonegalchurches

Andrew Molloy(@molloy.aj)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 St Aengus’ Church
設計者 Architect Liam McCormick
用途 Type 教会 Church
竣工年 Year 1967
地図 Map


Glenties church / Liam McCormick


建物名 Glenties church
設計者 Architect Liam McCormick
用途 Type 教会 Church
竣工年 Year 1974
地図 Map


Creeslough church / Liam McCormick

Blame it on the weatherman 2019/01/12

James(@jamesey2040)がシェアした投稿 -


Church in Creeslough - Liam McCormick #irisharchitecture #liammccormick #donegal

Rory Caithness(@rorycaithness)がシェアした投稿 -

建物名 Creeslough church
設計者 Architect Liam McCormick
用途 Type 教会 Church
竣工年 Year 1971
地図 Map
Met Éireann Building / Liam McCormick

Blame it on the weatherman 2019/01/12

James(@jamesey2040)がシェアした投稿 -

建物名 アイルランド気象局ビル Met Éireann Building
設計者 Architect Liam McCormick
用途 Type
竣工年 Year 1979
地図 Map
URL https://www.met.ie
