404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【ルクセンブルク】Architecture in Luxembourg


Philharmonie Luxembourg / Christian de Portzamparc

The Beautiful Philharmonie in Luxembourg. When inwas visiting this beautiful city for just a single night I made sure to go back here. I’ve shot it a few years back but always wanted to go back and shoot a few other angles like this straight on shot. I was waiting for an amazing blue hour but the lights didn’t turn on. So instead of making a color image I went back to my favorite black and white processing. Hope you like it! Can’t wait to print this panorama! ⏪swipe to see all of it! Image details: @sony.nederland A7RII @canonnederland 24TS-E @nisiglobal CPL + GND + ND filters #visitluxembourg #philharmonieluxembourg #skyhigh_architecture #fineartarchitecture #fineartphotography #fineartzone #awesomebnw #masters_in_bnw #big_shotz_bw #bnw_artstyle #bnw_addicted #bnwminimalismmag #fineartzone #incredible_bnw #gottalove_bnw #bnw_captures #noir_shots #blancnoir2 #bnw_greatshots #bnw_focus_on #eyephotomagazine #bnw_of_our_world #bnwzone #bnw_masters #bw_addiction #bnwcaptures #lookingup_minimal #transcontinenta

Architecture & Cityscapes(@martijn_kort)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 フィルハーモニールクセンブルク Philharmonie Luxembourg
設計者 Architect クリスチャン・ド・ポルザンパルク Christian de Portzamparc
用途 Type コンサート・ホール Concert Hall
竣工年 Year 2005
地図 Map
URL https://www.philharmonie.lu/en/