404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【ブラジル_リオ・デ・ジャネイロ】Architecture in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ministry of Education and Health / Lucio Costa, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Ernani Vasconcellos, Carlos Leão, Jorge Machado Moreira, Roberto Burle Marx, Oscar Niemeyer, Le Corbusier

The former Ministry of Education and Health Building when #Rio was still the capital of #Brazil in downtown #RioDeJaneiro, #GustavoCapanemaPalace (#PalácioGustavoCapanema), may look rather unassuming today. It is however historically important to the architectural development of #Modernism in Brazil in the 20th century, being the first #modernist project in this country. Widely touted as #LeCorbusier’s only building in #LatinAmerica, the Swiss/French maestro actually had a rather peripheral role in it, being invited to only ‘oversee’ the project by the mainly Brazilian team. Nonetheless the DNA of its design can be traced to Le Corbusier, including the #pilotis (@mark__galloway Does it remind you of Villa Savoye in your recent visit to #Paris?). Probably for this reason it has been tentatively suggested for inclusion to the #UNESCO as a #WorldHeritageSite. On my visit today it is being surrounded by fences for renovations, but nonetheless I managed to steal a few shots including one through a hole in the fence. The 2 pictures without fences were copied from the internet

@ gas_on_gas_offがシェアした投稿 -


建物名 Ministry of Education and Health
設計者 Architect Lucio Costa, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Ernani Vasconcellos, Carlos Leão, Jorge Machado Moreira, Roberto Burle Marx, Oscar Niemeyer, Le Corbusier
用途 Type _
竣工年 Year 1943
地図 Map
Keyword _