404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【ウズベキスタン】Architecture in Uzbekistan

Kalta Minor 
建物名 カルタ・ミナル Kalta Minor
設計者 Architect
用途 Type ミナレット Minaret
竣工年 Year 1852
地図 Map


Chorsu Bazaar / Vladimir Azimov and Sabir Adylov 

I'M IN UZBEKISTAN 🇺🇿 😊 but my god what a day its been 😩😴 ! From trying my best to translate to various people to walking endlessly to find a taxi! . But first look at this ... Chorsu Bazaar in Tashkent (the capital of Uzbekistan). This is Tashkent's most famous Bazaar topped with a greenish/ blue dome, where you can find pretty much anything - including horse meat (yes horse meat 😖). They sell all types of meats, spices, nuts, fruits, vegetables and many more. It has a very putrid smell as you walk in, since everything is together. But that didn't stop me walking around and seeing what was on offer. With this came the vendors constantly trying to sell me stuff but I was surprised that not many know English. . Now that's another thing, I was nervous to go on this holiday from the start but when I got in Tashkent and realised not many knew English that's when I got worried big time (it's a shame how this is not mentioned in the blogs I read). Trying to explain to people that I need to get to the domestic airport but at least 10 taxi drivers went past because they couldn't understand, I used Google translate but that confused them even more. There's me panicking about not getting to the airport on time (anxiety levels rocketed sky high) but thankfully I managed to speak to a young kid who sorted this out for me. . Then to top it off, the taxi driver from the airport charged me around £6 to drop me off 10mins away and I thought I got a good deal untill another driver, drove me 3 times further and charged me £2 made me realised I got scammed big time 😂💷. . Alhamdulillah aside from all of this, I've made it to Khiva and the hotel owner knows so much English it's put me back to relief 😊 not that I'm moaning about that but if I had missed my flight to Khiva I would've been stranded 😂 and ran back to the UK . BUT really this is how we learn about ourselves, our comfort zones and how far we can push before we break. . Wow, may sound like a lot of moaning but this is the reality (no point sugar coating). . Excited to explore Khiva in the morning. . #uzbekistan #tashkent #chorsubazaar

Umanaz(@umanaz)がシェアした投稿 -

建物名 Chorsu Bazaar
設計者 Architect Vladimir Azimov and Sabir Adylov
用途 Type _
竣工年 Year 1980
地図 Map
Keyword _