404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【フィンランド_ヘルシンキ近郊】Architecture in Helsinki Suburbs, Finland

【Vantaa バンター】

Honkanummi cemetery chapel / Erik Bryggman

Erik Bryggman won the 1953 Helsinki Congregation Chapel architectural competition in Honkanummi. His entry Aeternitas presented a scheme with two separate chapels: the southern chapel has seating for 120 and the northern one for 60 people. The two chapels are joined by a low wing that comprises a waiting area for relatives. Upon arrival the triangular gables of the chapels are seen next to each other. Both roofs are clad with wooden shingles. A tall cross stands in front of the larger chapel and the façade is decorated by a relief by Jussi Vikainen in 1957. · Photo: Heikki Havas, The Museum of Finnish Architecture, Finnish Architecture Navigator· Finnish Architecture Navigator is a map service and curated database of Finnish architecture administered by Archinfo Finland. navi.finnisharchitecture.fi #finnisharchitecture #erikbryggman #church #churcharchitecture #chapel #chapelarchitecture #honkanummi #vantaa #visitvantaa

Archinfo Finland(@archinfo_finland)がシェアした投稿 -

建物名 Honkanummi cemetery chapel
設計者 Architect エリック・ブリュッグマン Erik Bryggman
用途 Type 教会 Chapel
竣工年 Year 1952-1956
地図 Map
URL https://www.helsinginseurakunnat.fi/honkanummenhautausmaa/artikkelit/kappelit