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建築探査【フィンランド_トゥルク】Architecture in Turku, Finland

【トゥルク市街地 Turku】

Restoration of Turku Castle / Erik Bryggman

In the following days we will publish architecture from the 1920s to 1950s by Erik Bryggman, a Turku-based architect who was among the first to introduce Functionalist style into Finnish architecture. The presentations are based on the texts produced by Bryggman Institute’s Mikko Laaksonen for the Finnish Architecture Navigator. This photo depicts the exhibition space completed in 1946 by Bryggman in the attic of the Turku Castle. Founded in the end of the 11th century as one of the royal castles of Sweden, Turku Castle is one of the most important historical monuments in Finland. The main keep from the 13th to 16th centuries burned down in 1614, during a visit by King Gustav II Adolf, after which it was used as a storage and eventually it decayed. In 1939, Erik Bryggman was selected to design the restoration. The aim was to use the castle as both a living museum and a meeting venue. The repair work began in April 1946 with a new concrete roof to cover the northern wing. Also the ceilings were mainly built of concrete, but many spaces received a wooden ceiling with exposed hand-crafted beams. Several new stairs were built in modernist style. The floors are of wood or laid in brick and thus giving a strong feel of materiality. Photo: Antti Vaalikivi, Bryggman Institute, Finnish Architecture Navigator Finnish Architecture Navigator is a map service and curated database of Finnish architecture administered by Archinfo Finland. navi.finnisharchitecture.fi #finnisharchitecture #erikbryggman #bryggman #turku #turkucastle #turunlinna #visitturku #kissmyturku #visitfinland

Archinfo Finland(@archinfo_finland)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 トゥルク城改修 Restoration of Turku Castle
設計者 Architect エリック・ブリュッグマン Erik Bryggman
用途 Type 城 Castle
竣工年 Year 1939-55
地図 Map
URL http://www.turku.fi/turunlinna
Åbo Akademi University Book Tower / Erik Bryggman
建物名 Åbo Akademi University Book Tower
設計者 Architect エリック・ブリュッグマン Erik Bryggman
用途 Type 図書館 Library
竣工年 Year 1935
地図 Map
URL https://www.abo.fi/biblioteket/

 【トゥルク近郊 Turku Suburbs】

 Parainen Funerary Chapel / Erik Bryggman 
建物名 Parainen Funerary Chapel
設計者 Architect エリック・ブリュッグマン Erik Bryggman
用途 Type Chapel 教会
竣工年 Year 1930
地図 Map