404号室の設計士、机上の探査録 / Records by Armchair Architect, Room 404

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建築探査【スイス_ローザンヌ近郊】Architecture in Lausanne Suburbs, Switzerland

【Lausanne ローザンヌ

Museum of Fine Arts in Lausanne / Barozzi Veiga



Barozzi/Veiga's new Museum of Fine Arts in Lausanne, Switzerland was formed on the site’s southern edge as a longitudinal monolithic volume, parallel to the railway. Like the adjacent train station, it defines an urban space while protecting it from the trains’ nuisances. Embracing this condition, the Museum of Fine Arts, the biggest of the three museums, carries and expresses the memory of the site, echoing to the former industrial condition of the site with pragmatic forms, rigorous geometry and hard, sharp lines. The MCBA is specific to its site, it tries to establish a link with a certain atmosphere, to anchor it in the city in both space and history. . What do think of this bold new museum? . . . @fabriziobarozzi #barozziveiga #estudiobarozziveiga #lausanne #switzerland #museumoffinearts #modernism #minimalism #architecture #instarchitecture

Architizer(@architizer)がシェアした投稿 -

建物名 Museum of Fine Arts in Lausanne
設計者 Architect バロッツィ・ヴェイガ Barozzi Veiga
用途 Type 美術館 Museum
竣工年 Year 2019
地図 Map
URL https://www.mcba.ch


【Le Chenit ル・シュニ】


“Atelier Audemars Piguet Museum's new extension is a contemporary spiral-shaped glass pavilion that complements the company’s oldest historical building. This architectural combination symbolizes the blend of tradition and forward-thinking at the heart of Audemars Piguet’s craftsmanship while honouring its deep-rooted origins in the Vallée de Joux. Have you visited? 📰 Credit: Paula Pintos, archdaily.com ➡️See full project at our link in Bio. . #architecture: BIG @big_builds #photography: Iwan Baan @iwanbaan . . @audemarspiguet #ArchDaily #architectureswitzerland #culturalarchitecture #museum #big #atelieraudemarspiguet #heritage #audemarspiguet"

Virani Real Estate Advisors(@viranihomes)がシェアした投稿 -


建物名 Atelier Audemars Piguet Museum
設計者 Architect BIG
用途 Type 美術館 Museum
竣工年 Year 2020
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地図 Map
URL https://www.museeatelier-audemarspiguet.com
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